What to do if insurance denied Roof claim: 6 Quick Tips

When your insurance company denies your roof insurance claim, what do you do? In many cases, homeowners are left not knowing what their options are. This can be especially true if the homeowner has never been through the insurance claims process.

Fortunately, there are steps that homeowners can take to protect their rights and ensure they get the compensation they deserve. Read on for five steps to take if your insurance company denies your roof claim.

Denied Claim

Reviewing your insurance policy for any exclusions is an important step to take if your roof claim has been denied by your insurance company. This is also a great step to take prior to contacting your insurance company and filing a claim. When reviewing the policy, look for language that explicitly states what type of damage is covered, what is excluded, and how much your deductible is. You also need to check your policy for any endorsements that might further modify your coverage. Common endorsements that affect roof claims are cosmetic endorsements and roof payment schedules.

If your insurance company has not provided you in writing specifically why the roof has been denied then it is important to get this from them. This will help you to determine the reason they are claiming that your roof damage is not covered under your insurance policy and you can verify that the policy language that they are utilizing to deny the claim is accurate and applicable.

Get a professional roof inspection to verify if there is damage to your roof.

Having a professional roof inspection completed by a local roofing contractor, public adjuster or inspector to verify that your roof has damage is an important step to take if your insurance claim has been denied. A qualified professional will be able to thoroughly and accurately evaluate the damage and determine what may have caused it. They can also advise you on what corrective actions need to be taken, what needs to be replaced, what repairs are necessary, and what type of maintenance should be done in order to prevent further damage from occurring. By having a professional inspect your roof, you can gather the evidence you need to make a more informed decision on what to do next.

Submit a written appeal to your insurance company detailing why you believe they should cover the cost of repairs.

Submitting a written appeal to your insurance company is another step that can be taken if your claim for roof repair or replacement has been denied. In this written appeal, you should outline why you believe the cost of repairs should be covered under your existing policy terms and conditions. To support your claim, you will need to provide documentation. This might be photos of the roof damage, a report from a roof inspection, estimates for the cost of repairs, or any other relevant information that may get the insurance company to approve your claim.

Ask for a reinspection by a different insurance adjuster.

Plan A, Plan B, Plan C

If your insurance claim for a roof replacement or repair has been denied, you may be feeling frustrated and unsure of what to do next. Consider taking a step back and asking for a reinspection by a different adjuster. In some cases, a second opinion can provide new insight into the situation that could lead to a successful result in your favor.

It's important to note that having a different adjuster take another look at your roof doesn't guarantee success with any appeals process. It simply can increase the chances of having it approved by providing another set of eyes look over your claim.

File a complaint with the Department of Insurance related to your insurance claim.

When the insurance company wrongfully denies a roof repair or replacement claim, filing a complaint with the Department of Insurance can be an effective way to seek resolution. The Department of Insurance is responsible for overseeing insurance companies and ensuring that they are operating in compliance with state laws. By filing a complaint, policyholders can draw attention to any discrepancies that may have been made by the insurance company.

In some cases, filing a complaint can result in the insurance company reconsidering their decision or providing a more satisfactory response to what occurred during the initial inspection; however, it's important to note that your complaint should be based on facts and not on opinions of what happened. Ultimately the Department of Insurance can't force your insurance company to overturn the denial. It is however good for drawing attention to the claim from higher-ups at the insurance company and is a record of how the claim has been handled.

Contact a licensed public adjuster to get a thorough review of your claim.

If you've been denied an insurance claim for roof repair or replacement, it's important to consider enlisting the help of a licensed public adjuster as soon as possible. Public adjusters are independent professionals who specialize in negotiating on behalf of policyholders in cases like this. By having a public adjuster review your claim, you can rest assured that you will receive an experienced and unbiased opinion on what needs to be done and what can realistically be accomplished in order to have the claim approved. Public adjusters are also well-versed in what types of evidence need to be documented to fully prove your loss when covered by the policy, so enlisting their help will ensure that you do everything possible towards getting your insurance claim approved.

No one wants to deal with an insurance company when they’re going through a tough time. Unfortunately, that’s what many people have to do when their roof is damaged and their insurance company denies the claim. In this blog post, we’ve outlined a few options you can do if your insurance company denies your roof claim.

The best way to ensure that your roof claim is approved by your insurance company is to contact the experts at ProActive Claims. Contact us today for your Free Claim Review!

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